West Junior High

West Junior High was built in 1952-53 and designed by Anton Dropping, of Dropping, Kelly & LaMarche, which was later acquired by a predecessor of Hummel Architects.
“West Junior High was built in 1952-53 at 711 North Curtis Road with Federal funds from Public Law 815. These funds were provided to districts that were impacted by students from people who worked in Federal entities. Urban sprawl in the 1940s and 1950s increased the number of subdivisions and residential housing in the west bench. Even though West was located on Curtis Road, students came from west and south of the school before Fairmont was built in 1964.
West had several additions over the years. In 1959, five classrooms and a locker room were added. Ten years later in 1968, three more classrooms and a cafeteria were added to the school. An arts and crafts building was added in 1972. The growth of new programs and needed office space saw the construction in 1976 of a counselor’s office and locker rooms.
The school [was] located near large gas storage tanks to the east and to the south. Leakage from the tanks has caused great concern in the past by school officials, patrons, students, and the gas companies in the 1980s.
This facility was torn down once a new West Junior High School was built in southwest Boise in March 2006 off of Victory Road.”
(Source: West Junior High History, https://west.boiseschools.org/our_school/west_junior_high_history, accessed September 1, 2021)